What do demons do with their time?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, what do demons do with their time? A: In the world of demons, like that of people, some do one thing and others do different things. Demons, of course, cannot build houses, grow...
View ArticleDoes the devil really exist?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, is the devil merely a symbol of evil, or does he really exist? A: Demons are personal spiritual beings, as is the chief demon, the devil. Those Christians who deny the existence of...
View ArticleWhy did God put the demons to the test?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, why did God allow the angels to be put to the test? A: The real question is, Why did God not grant all the angels the Beatific Vision from the first moment of their creation? Why...
View ArticleWhat does a demon think about?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, what does a demon think about? A: Every demon retains the intelligence of its angelic nature. Demons know and inquire with their minds about the material and spiritual worlds, the...
View ArticleWhere are demons located?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, where are demons located? A: Demons—like the souls of deceased human beings—do not occupy space. This does not mean, though, that they are in some other physical dimension. What...
View ArticleDo demons know the future?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, do demons know the future? A: No. Demons do not have knowledge of future events. In addition, what belongs to human freedom is undetermined; they do not know in advance our free...
View ArticleCan demons do good?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, can a demon perform a good act? A: We need to remember that demons are not engaged in doing evil 100 percent of the time. Sometimes, they just think. Doing this is not evil at all;...
View ArticleDo demons experience pleasure?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, do demons experience pleasure? If so, how? A: Yes, but only in a spiritual sense. As a pure spirit, a demon can derive pleasure only with his intelligence and will. Intellectual...
View ArticleWho are the most evil of all the demons?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, who are the most evil of all the demons? A: One might logically assume that the most perverse demons would be those of the highest angelic choirs, but this is not the case. There is...
View ArticleCan evil spirits be good?
Q: Dear Father John, Since bad spirits are very manipulative by nature is it possible for bad spirits to present themselves as good in certain circumstances in order to fulfill their plan and if so,...
View ArticleCan a Person make a Pact with the Devil?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, can a person make a pact with the devil? A. Many think that pacts with the devil only exist in literature, but they are mistaken. There are those who consciously, with full...
View ArticleCan Demons Cause Mental Illness?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, can a demon cause a mental illness in a person? A. Demons can tempt us, and they sometimes do so in a continuous way with great intensity. As such, a demon could provoke an...
View ArticleCan Demons Cause Physical Illness?
Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, can a demon cause a physical illness? A. First, we need to clearly understand that physical illnesses nearly always have natural causes. The belief that sickness has its cause in...
View ArticleQuestionable Visions: Demonic or Psychiatric Origins?
Q: Fr. Fortea, how can one tell if a vision is demonic in origin or is a psychiatric problem? A: The best way to discern if something is demonic in origin or merely a psychiatric problem is through...
View ArticleCan Demons Cause Nightmares?
Q. Dear Fr. Fortea, can demons cause nightmares? A. Yes, even though there is no way of knowing when a nightmare has a natural cause or a demonic one. We can only suspect that it has a demonic cause...
View ArticleCan Demons Read our Thoughts?
Q. Father Fortea, can demons read our thoughts? A. No. Though demons can tempt us, they cannot read our thoughts. With their great intelligence, they can guess what we are thinking – but they can never...
View ArticleCan Demons Cause Disasters and Accidents?
Q. Father Fortea, can demons cause disasters and accidents? A. If demons had the freedom to cause natural disasters, the whole world would fall into chaos. So the short answer is no – demons cannot...
View ArticleCan Demons Unite to Influence Society?
Q. Father Fortea, can demons unite and concentrate their efforts to influence society? A. The greatest power of the demons lies in tempting us to sin. Since they communicate among themselves, demons...
View ArticleCan the Devil have a Human Child?
Q. Father Fortea, can the devil have a human child? A. No. This is absolutely impossible for the simple reason that demons are spiritual beings. A spirit, by definition, has no body, and therefore...
View ArticleIs the Devil the “Beast” in the Book of Revelation?
Q. Father Fortea, is the devil the “beast” in the book of Revelation? A. No. The book of Revelation clearly distinguishes between the three key figures who will arise in opposition to Christ and the...
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